Mar 5.2021 - Cooperation
「蘇富比x夏荊山 藝術產業國際工作坊」文化賢達齊聚現場交流
為分享「蘇富比x夏荊山東方藝術」國際計畫,於今日舉行「藝術產業國際工作坊」,邀請台灣政府各部門長官、台灣學術及藝文界賢達蒞臨指導,透過此工作坊介紹「蘇富比X夏荊山東方藝術」第一波課程與未來願景。立法委員蔡適應,來自文化部、外交部、教育部的長官,及台灣各大藝術學院的師長及文化賢達齊聚現場交流,並賞析夏荊山大師巨幅名畫《龍王朝觀音》。 工作坊由財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會執行長主講,倫敦蘇富比藝術學院執行長Jonathan Woolfson、倫敦蘇富比藝術學院亞洲當代藝術總監何凱特Katie Hill、倫敦蘇富比藝術學院課程總監Joe Watson及倫敦蘇富比藝術學院本計畫執行經理Louisa Colbert亦上線與大家交流。 自2020年正式與倫敦蘇富比藝術學院合作,推出蘇富比與夏荊山東方藝術計畫,此計畫第一步是線上課程的合作,未來也希望逐步規畫藝術鑑賞、鑑價專業人才培養,期望逐步引進蘇富比鑑價、鑑賞、拍賣系統,打造台灣成為亞太藝術交流及金融中心。
Feb 19.2021 - Cooperation
"Sotheby's Institute of Art & Xia Jing Shan Oriental Art project" offers its first wave of online courses on Sotheby's official website
"Sotheby's Institute of Art & Xia Jing Shan Oriental Art project", a collaboration between the Foundation and Sotheby's Institute of Art in London, has already launched its first wave of courses under the title of "Buddhist Art &World View" on the official website of Sotheby's Institute of Art in London. Serving as the course directors for the project are Dr. Katie Hill, Director of Asian Contemporary Art, Sotheby's Institute of Art in London and Dr. Chao Chung-Chieh, CEO of the Foundation. This is the first time that Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London has ever cooperated with a Taiwan institution. The course will start on March 16. Those who are interested are welcome to seize this rare opportunity to learn more about the course information. Buddhist art is one of the most important areas of Asian art, which has been passed down from India to the cultural circles of China, Japan, and Southeast Asia and has become a religious art and cultural heritage. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, with more than 500 million adherents and artifacts dating back to 2,500 years ago. This course is a comprehensive introduction to Asian Buddhist art, designed to provide students with an understanding of key topics such as the origins of Asian Buddhist art and its spread in Asia, the art of Buddhist painting, Buddhist sculpture, and an in-depth grasp of Buddhist art collections. Each class is divided into five units, each of which provides a thorough introduction to the chosen topic, during which students can interact with lecturers through questions and discussions. Each unit will be led by leading experts in the field. Students will get reading materials with rich picture descriptions.